George Eriquezzo
(Track, 1964)
In the early 1960's "Bullitt Bob" Hayes of Florida A. & M. wascalled the "fastest human alive and won great acclaim in the 1964 Olympics as a sprinter and later fame as a receiver for the Dallas Cowboys. His time of 9.2 seconds for the 100 yard dash was a world record as was his freshman record at Florida A. & M. for the same event-9.3 seconds. The next Hall of Fame recipient, George Eriquezzo, tied Bob Hayes' freshman mark of 9.3 seconds in the 100 yard dash making George one of the very fastest humans alive at that time. At DHS George Eriquezzo was a three year varsity football player making the News-Times All Area team, and a star on the track team for four years. George holds the School and State records in the 100 yard dash with a time 9.6 seconds and the 60 yard dash with a time of 6.2 seconds. His 60 yard dash time was also a national record which still holds. He also held a school record for the 220 yard dash and the Broad Jump. He attended Southern State College in Arkansas where he held Arkansas State records in the 100 yard dash, the 60 yard dash and the 220 yard dash. George received a BA from Western Connecticut State University in 1991.