Ben Doto, Jr.
(Football, 1961)
This 2012 Hall of Fame inductee was a guard on the Danbury High football squad
that had a seventeen game win streak, Ben Doto Jr. The 1960 DHS football team had
a fine record of 7-2. One of their losses that year was the legendary
44-42 setback to Hillhouse High School who was led by the eventual NFL
great, Floyd Little. But prior to his senior year, Ben was a member of
the senior class of football players who went undefeated as freshman,
sophomores and juniors. The 1957 freshman team, the 1958 jayvee team,
and the 1959 varsity squad all recorded undefeated records! Previously
the Danbury High Hall of Fame inducted Ben’s teammates Warren Conner and
Ed Morlock. Ben was named to the Danbury News-Times All Area football
team his senior year. That year he was also the catcher for the varsity
baseball team and was president of the class of 1961. After his
graduation from Danbury High, Ben continued his football career at Tufts
University, graduating in 1965. While at Tufts, he was class secretary.
He received his D.M.D from the University of Pennsylvania Dental School
and was a practicing orthodontist in Danbury and New Fairfield from
1973 until his retirement in 2000. He has served as President of the
Danbury Dental Society, on the Board of Directors of City Center
Danbury, and is a longtime member of the Danbury Lion’s Club. In 2004,
Ben received the Danbury Old Timer’s Sports Award.