Working Papers


Working papers issued at Danbury High School are for minors (under 18 years old) WORKING in Connecticut. If you are a Connecticut resident planning to work out of state, you must obtain Working Papers from that state; if you are an out-of-state resident planning to work in Connecticut, you must obtain Working Papers within the state of Connecticut. APPLICANTS MUST BRING PAPERS TO THE MAIN OFFICE.

  • Ask your prospective employer for a Promise of Employment Letter. This letter should be on the company letterhead; if that is not available, the prospective employer may use the Sample Letter itself, making sure to fully complete each question. Particular attention should be paid to “Exactly what duties will the student be performing”. Terms such as ‘team member’, ‘associate’, or ‘helper’ are not acceptable
  • At this time all of DHS student’s Proof of birth will be verified with the information in Powerschool.

Please allow 24-48 business hours for the preparation of your working papers. If you have any questions, please call (203) 790-2800 or refer to the Connecticut Department of Labor for information on Workplace Rules For Kids In School